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I Test.

To be part of the generation that stops HIV.


Get tested this National HIV Testing Week

Testing is the only way to know if you have HIV, so you can stay in control of your health. 

If you have HIV, finding out means you can start treatment and stay healthy. If you don't have HIV, you can continue to protect yourself.

Order your free test today.

Testing is easier than ever

For National HIV Testing Week we’re offering everyone a chance to order a test that they can do at home. 

You can choose from two options, a lab test or a rapid self test. 

Lab test kit

For the lab test kit you provide a small blood sample, collected from a finger prick, to be tested in a lab.

You can also choose if you want it to be tested for syphilis as well or for HIV only. 

You don’t need to write your name on your sample. The kit will arrive pre-labelled with a unique code, so your testing experience is easy and discreet.

Rapid self test kit

For the rapid self test kit you test a single drop of blood from a finger prick for instant results, at home, with no need to post anything.

Order your free test today.

Treatment is free

Remember, HIV treatment is free for everyone living in England- so it’s better to know your status to stay in control of your health.

Order your free test today.

Commonly Asked Questions

Experts answer your questions on HIV, STIs and sexual health.